2008년 5월 20일 화요일

Journal 7

How does your individual web project help your students extensive readindg? How can you use your collection for real teaching?

Through my web reading resources, I believe that students can get background information for the chapters. Students can understand the contents of the text book better while they actually learn about the chapters and they can get the idea of other stuff related to the topic of chapter for their schemata.

For using this material in their extensive reading, students can visit the web sites that I linked according to the topic of the lessons. For example, when students click the Test for geograghy knowledge of Geography section in marginal area, students can be tested for their geography knowledgy. They also can learn not only for the part from the text book, but also for their extensive knowledgy about geography.

This kind of supplemental stuff is going to be helpful for students to access extensive L2 reading materials. Extensive reading shows how reading large quantities of books and other materials can provide students with essential practice in learning to read and help them develop a positive attitude towards reading, which is sometimes missed in second language classes.

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