2008년 6월 3일 화요일

::::My First Language Acquisition Theory::::

Language is not only a system for representing things, actions, ideas, and states but also a tool which people can use to communicate their concepts of reality in to the minds of others.
Basically, I agree with the nativist theories of language acquisition, which means the children are born with innate capacity for learning languages.

Considering my own experiences, however, Language acquisition strongly depends upon the child being exposed to language. I have 12 years old younger sister who has big age difference with me. As I look back upon the time when she was about age 4, I remember her saying a word which I repeated so many times around her to make her say it. Now, I believe that the language a child acquire is that of his/her surroundings.

Actually, some of researches show that children who are deprived of their linguistic environments simply do not begin to speak spontaneously. Although question of how the human being acquires a first language hasn't been answered to anyone's complete satisfaction, but it seems clear to me that the basic capacity to learn language is innate, while the particular form or meaning connections of individual languages are acquired through prolonged exposure to a specific speech community(mostly family).

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